26 Sep Outdoor Art Setting in this Stunning Notts Barn
The George Thornton Gallery In Nottingham are proud to present in conjunction with Samuel Peacock Studio’s this amazing art installation in this amazingly restored outdoor seating area. The three pieces selected by the client were part curated by George himself who knew exactly the look the client was trying to achieve on their outdoor area which they will primarily use for entertaining in the coll evenings of Autumn.

The stone built building lends itself to entertaining as well as an area for contemplation. One of the best features about sourcing your work from small independent gallery is that you get to know about the artist who you like a lot more as the gallery owner will ultimately have a working relationship with the artist and have access to all the new work that the artist is creating. The relationship between George and his gallery staff and Sam has been ongoing for a good 10 years which generally means that George and his staff are very much in the loop to what Sam is doing artistically and managed to get these 3 pieces in as they knew Autumn was approaching and that Sam designs work on the seasons.

Another of the questions that comes up when potential clients think about artwork is “how to install the art”. Thankfully, an independent gallery such as Georges has all the skills built up over the years to come and install the work as part of the overall package. With all things interiors and exteriors, you have to get the work looking right, just as George has done here.
Do you like the look of this and want this for your area, do enquire about this. George Thornton is based in Nottingham and has worked tirelessly representing Sam and his work for 10 years now and all these installations are celebrated as they mean the world to us all involved.